- Who was the previous owner? 谁是以前的属有人?
- Madeline Mann, who was also born at Loyola, was the previous record holder. 曾经负责看护鲁迈萨和西芭的医生表示两个孩子目前的发育状况均属正常。
- The new house, like so many she deals with, was trashed by the previous owners, who were angry at being foreclosed on. 这个新房子,和她经手的其它房子一样,也被前房主搞得乱七八糟。原因是他们因为房子被收回而恼怒不已。
- Who was the original owner of this house? 谁是这座房子最早的主人?
- Who was the actress playing the doctor? 演那医生的女演员是谁?
- Who was the cook(= who cooked the food)? 谁做的饭菜?
- What a pity! Who was the referee? 真可惜!谁担任球赛裁判员呢?
- Who was the reader of this article? 谁是这篇文章的校对人?
- Who was the advisor of your research program? 你的研究项目的导师是谁?
- Who was the first Chinese member of IOC? 谁是中国第一个国际奥委会的成员?
- Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada? 谁是加拿大第一位总理?
- Who was the first to cross the line? 第一个冲过终点线的人是谁?
- Who was the greatest player of the 20th century? 谁是20世纪最伟大的棋手?
- Who was the lastto finish the marathon that day? 那天是谁最后一个跑完马拉松比赛的?
- Who was the first person to split the atom? 谁是分裂原子的第一人?
- Who was the first to breast the tape? 谁第一个到达终点?
- Who was the actor playing the professor? 演那教授的演员是谁?
- Who was the first man to run a mile in under four minutes? 谁第一个在四分钟以内跑完了一英里?
- Some men never feel small, but these are the few men who are. 有些人决不知难为情之为何物,这些人正是为数不多的王八蛋。
- Who was the caster in this situation? 在这件事中,施咒者是谁?